2014 Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge

After successfully completing last year’s Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge, I’m going to try to do the same in 2014.

The rules to this year’s challenge are explained over at My Reader’s Block. Basically I’m going to be trying to complete the Silver bingo card which covers books first published in the period 1960 to 1989.






So that’s 36 books in total – it should be OK, although I only seem to have read 2 books in January, so I’ll need to speed up a little…

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About pastoffences

Past Offences exists to review classic crime and mystery books, with ‘classic’ meaning books originally published before 1987.
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15 Responses to 2014 Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge

  1. TracyK says:

    How cool, I will be watching for the choices you make for these books. I love mysteries written in this period. I am doing both Gold and Silver, but I am sure I will not do that many of either.


  2. Col says:

    Good luck, my aims are more modest , just a line on silver and gold, or maybe corners!


  3. Wow, that’s a great challenge – good luck!


  4. MarinaSofia says:

    Looks like a really interesting challenge, almost makes me sorry I have sworn off them this year…


  5. Pingback: Simon Brett: What Bloody Man is That? | Past Offences

  6. Pingback: Peter Lovesey: The False Inspector Dew | Past Offences

  7. Pingback: Philip Youngman Carter: Mr Campion’s Farthing | Past Offences

  8. Bev Hankins says:

    Thanks for joining me for a round (or two) of Bingo this year, Rich! Hope you have another fabulous reading year.


  9. Pingback: Philip Youngman Carter: Mr Campion’s Falcon | Past Offences

  10. Pingback: Dick Francis: The Danger | Past Offences

  11. Pingback: P. D. James: A Taste for Death | Past Offences Classic Crime Fiction

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