I’m not entirely sure why, but Past Offences is now on Pinterest

Well, not content with entering the twenty-first century, I’ve just reached 2011 and have started a Pinterest account.

I’m not entirely 100% certain how it all works yet, or whether I’ll stick with it, but I’ve spent the evening adding a lot of my reviews and links to interesting blog posts elsewhere.

I also found this graph I made a couple of years ago.







Anyway, see what you think…


About pastoffences

Past Offences exists to review classic crime and mystery books, with ‘classic’ meaning books originally published before 1987.
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7 Responses to I’m not entirely sure why, but Past Offences is now on Pinterest

  1. It’s a mystery …


  2. TracyK says:

    I especially liked the “my reviews on Eurocrime.”


  3. kaggsysbookishramblings says:

    The graph is encouraging – we always think Midsomer must be such a dangerous place to live, but perhaps not…..!


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