#1971book sign-up page

1971 police car

This 1971 vintage MGB GT was used as a patrol car by Sussex Constabulary. Picture from http://www.simoncars.co.uk

The Puzzle Doctor has moved us forward a few decades, picking 1971 as our focus for December.

Some non-crime books from 1971: Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Tom Wolfe’s The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist, Anthony Powell’s Books Do Furnish a Room, and to my surprise The Carpet People by Terry Pratchett.

Over to you for the crime fiction…

Comment below to join in, or tweet me @westwoodrich.

Small print

  • Don’t be shy!
  • Books, comics, films, plays and TV also welcome.
  • If you want to play but you haven’t got a blog, I’m happy to have you as a guest poster, or to link to Goodreads or Amazon.
  • Sorry if I miss you in the round-up.

About pastoffences

Past Offences exists to review classic crime and mystery books, with ‘classic’ meaning books originally published before 1987.
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30 Responses to #1971book sign-up page

  1. Sounds great – hope to be able to contribute Rich (sorry to have missed 1946, such a good year …)


  2. It’ll be No More Dying Then by Ruth Rendell. Having a Rendell binge for reasons that I’ll go into on the blog eventually…


  3. Rod Campbell says:

    Ed McBain’s classic 87th Precinct novel “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” is a hoot. This blog https://bloodymurder.wordpress.com/2013/12/13/hail-hail-the-gangs-all-here-1971-by-ed-mcbain/ details the complexities of the novel but may contain spoilers.


  4. Jose Ignacio says:

    You’re right Rich, not much on offer at first glance, but something will crop up at the end.


  5. Jose Ignacio says:

    I knew something interesting was going to pop up. Just found on my TBR pile The Steam Pig (1971) by James McClure.


  6. Jose Ignacio says:

    Who said there were not much on offer. Another one on my TBR An Advancement of Learning (1971) by Reginald Hill,


  7. I did Ellery Queen’s A Fine and Private Place on the blog a while back, which is 1971 – I’d love to read someone else’s thoughts on it.


  8. How do someone apply to select a book and blog about it?


  9. Pingback: Film Notes: 10 Rillington Place (1971) directed by Richard Fleisher | The Game's Afoot

  10. tracybham says:

    I have read a book (A Late Phoenix by Catherine Aird) but have not done my post yet. I found lots of books I would like to read for 1971, but probably no more time to get to them in this month.


    • tracybham says:

      I will not be doing A Late Phoenix for 1971 because I found that it was published in 1970. (I enjoyed it anyway, so no big deal). I am switching to Firecrest, by Victor Canning, which I am also enjoying.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Bev Hankins says:

    I’ll have to see if I’ve got anything available for 1971….hope to be jumping with another review.


  12. Pingback: Tom Sharpe: Riotous Assembly | Past Offences Classic Crime Fiction

  13. Pingback: Review: An Advancement of Learning, by Reginald Hill | The Game's Afoot

  14. Bev Hankins says:

    Here’s my first Words for Murder Perhaps by Edward Candy. Not quite as good as anticipated, unfortunately.


  15. Bev Hankins says:

    And a second 1971 offering: Sick to Death by Douglas Clark


  16. John says:

    Posted my contribution to the 1971 Challenge today: Give Me Back Myself by L. P. Davies

    I may be able to sneak in two more books from 1971 if luck and time are on my side.


  17. Pingback: Review: Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All Here! by Ed McBain | The Game's Afoot

  18. Col says:

    Back tomorrow with Brian Garfield’s What of Terry Conniston? Just in time again!


  19. Col says:


    Happy New Year to you and yours, Rich.
    What year are we starting 2015 off with?


  20. Pingback: No More Dying Then by Ruth Rendell – In Search of the Classic Mystery Novel

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